I often have small scraps left from making hand sanitizer cases, lip balm holders, and inhaler holders. I always cut the little strips down to 5.75″ tall by 1.5″ wide to use later for bookmarks. I store the bookmarks-to-be in one of my notions bins for my DreamBox. They are the perfect fit!

When I have a decent pile ready, I fill up my 8×12″ hoop with nine at a time. I choose scraps that can use the same color backing to make them faster. A set of nine only takes 11 minutes to stitch at 1000 stitches per minute. If everything is precut, I can make about 48 bookmarks per hour, as shown below.

I have used these as a candy substitute for my Teal Pumpkin during Halloween.

I’ve also made postcards in picmonkey to attach the bookmarks for Valentine’s Day handouts. It’s been a few years, but I think I just rolled up scotch tape under the bookmark to attach it to the cardstock. To make these faster, I just used a full sheet of faux leather on the top of the 8×12″ hoop, rather than scraps.

You could also have these as a quick and cheap filler for craft shows. I sell these for $1.50 at shows where I have to give a commission, or $1 when I don’t.
If you want to make some, click the download here: Auntie Em’s Crafts- Free ITH Bookmarks. An 8×12 hoop requires a 8×12 backing and a 5×7 hoop requires 6.25″ x 5.25″.
Let’s get started!
1. Hoop cutaway stabilizer in your desired hoop. I’ll use the 8×12 for demonstrations. Run the placement stitch. Any color thread is fine, but something that contrasts the stabilizer is best.
2. Remove hoop from the embroidery machine, but do not unhoop the stabilizer. Use spray adhesive on the front and set down either a full sheet of faux leather or individually cut bookmarks.

3. Use spray adhesive on the back and adhere the backing piece. Chalkboard vinyl works great. If you need to use something thicker, you might consider adding a few pieces of tape to hold it on.

4. Put hoop back on the embroidery machine. Run the second set of stitches. Make sure your bobbin is the same color as the thread color.
5. Remove hoop from embroidery machine and unhoop the stabilizer. Trim string tails on the bookmarks. Trim each bookmark 1/8″ away from the stitching. I use a ruler, rotary cutter, and cutting mat to save time.

In about 15 minutes, you’ll have nine completed bookmarks to give away or sell. Not bad for a bunch of scraps, huh?
Happy stitching!

You may sell your finished bookmarks but please do not sell this design. You may not share, sell or give our design files to anyone. Please feel free to share this link to your embroidery friends for their own use.
fab bookmarks
Thank you for the great design. I will have to try so my daughter can give to classmates for Valentine’s day!